Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Pokemon Go

  Nintendo released a cell phone game, it is super addicting and its of course a Pokemon game which means it might as well be actual crack to me, I mean I Bought a new phone just for it. It should be noted this game is still being worked on it is not a 100% complete product, but I really wanted to talk about it anyway so and I'll probably be doing a bunch of these posts about it. Also I may be a bit biased as I fucking love Pokemon.
      When you first, start the game I got that  tingle I normally get when I start up any of  the main series Pokemon games, the music intro plays I start freaking out, the professor comes on he looks a bit creepy but whatever, THEN! he wants me to pick a starter cool who do we.... FUCK YES! The starters you get to choose from are the original 3; Blubasuar, Squritle, and of course the best of the best Charmander! I picked Charmander then looked up to see that I was now swerving my car in between to lanes.
Professor Willow
      Pokemon Go is strange its super repetitive, easy to play anywhere, frustrating, enjoyable and it is a social phenomenon. The game itself is a very dumbed down version of Pokemon you don't battle wild Pokemon you just throw balls at them till they are caught. To evolve or power up Pokemon you must catch a ton of the same kind of Pokemon to get candies once you get a specified amount you can evolve your Pokemon. Your trainer is the only one that does actual leveling, gaining you better items to use to catch more Pokemon, and once you hit level five you can join a team of either, Mystic, Valor, or Instinct( Articuno, Molttres, or Zapdos) I picked Valor as I always choose the fire type, so might as well choose the fire team.
The Only True Team is Team Phoenix
       After that you got a couple things you can do, catch Pokemon, and take over gyms for your team in a kind of Pokemon turf war.My main issue with the gyms is that when you go against them you get your full team of 6 Pokemon against what can sometimes be one Pokemon or it could be six but even if your just able to beat the first in the gym it'll knock out Pokemon till you eventually just win meaning you can just throw yourself against a amazing team till you win essentially. However training up a gym is a bitch, to train up a gym you must battle your own teams gyms and the further you get the better your gym becomes, unfortunately if your like me you'll cap a gym then put in your best Pokemon making it very difficult to then train your gym up as you can only go at it with one of your Pokemon at a time.
What The game Looks like
            The biggest coolest aspect of this game for me is the experiences it gives like, of going to a park and seeing huge groups of people crowding a poke-stop because someone set off a lure, or spending the entire night with your wife tracking down, Abra's or poke stops to stock up, or going out with my brother and taking down gyms. Me and my wife even made a game off it in which after a bunch of hunting and drinking wed run around the Longview lake and try and hit poke stops as fast as possible. This is the best thing this game brought to me it gave me the closest thing to bringing pokemon to the real world that we have, I just hope an update will allow me to battle trainers!
Pic of the VR that didn't work on my phone


Sunday, May 22, 2016

BulletStorm (Review)

        I first bought Bulletstorm because of the hype that surrounded it mostly generated by the fact the game was supposed to have kicked the 1st person genre into another gear, a friend of mine Devon loved the game and another friend of mine Adam couldn't even bring himself to finish it. My opinion is mixed between these two. However having the Voice actor of Spike Speigal really did help.

      So, the Games Story starts and finishes very generically, your a space outlaw who was tricked into killing innocents, by a shitty organization, and now you want revenge. Ok so off the bat, I wasnt impressed I have seen and heard this story or variations of this story a million times,but anyway you end up crashing on a thunderdome like planet, in which you get to unleash bloody carnage on all the inhabitants in your quest for redemption! I will give the game this at first the characters got some laughs out of me but very quickly the humor died on me, I can only take so many jokes about dick shots untill it just gets old, and really thats how the whole game feels.

       The game plays like other first person shooters, but with the addition of skill shots, a powerful kick, and a weapon called the leash that acts as a whip/ device you buy things with. Basicly the leash records how well your doing, and rewards points for it. So lets say you just shoot someone to death, well then you get 1o points, towards gun upgrades, new weapons, ammo. Now lets say you leash the person towards you, shoot them in the balls, then kick them into a cactus, well then you get 400 points so it really does behoove you to get creative. But, not really because you see each area has one maybe to hazards, and you get 8 weapons total. Now you can do some cool stuff with each weapon but you unlock them slowly and by the time you get your next one, you've done everything you really can with the previous ones. Hazards are the same pretty much everywhere and boil down to knock, that enemy into your choice of SPIKES! ELECTRICITY! CACTUS! BLADES! DIFFERENT ELECTRICITY!

         That is not to say the game is not fun. Using a robot T-Rex to destroy your enemies was awesome fun. The Sniper, and trip mine guns were two of my favorite things in this game just because of the things you could do with them. The problem is  fun just doesn't last long in between new things, every time you do get a new gun or new enemy ( of which there are around 5 different types), or face a new boss, there is fun top be had but for a game with 7 acts which are about two chapters a piece the game feels so damn long, which just is not a good sign, in a game that is supposed to be this action packed, high octane  shooter, to be left feeling bored is just unacceptable. 

Saturday, January 9, 2016


    When I first met you, I thought you were so cool, your attitude, your energy, the way you gave no fucks what the others thought. I was drawn to you, not in the way I am now but, I catch myself wishing that I had seen it sooner, we are yang and yang, we mesh so damn well that it is scary, babyluv we truly belong together.
      I always respected you as a manager and a co-worker, the passion you have for your job, we could all see it in you. I remember being scared when Alan told me you were coming back because I knew my hours could be at risk with you back. I never worried about anyone else that way I was always confident in my abilities there but, you I knew that you would at the least rival me, but likely exceed me. I was worried then and I was worried years later when you came back to my store, because I knew only you could take that senior position from me, I was wrong to be worried, if I had been able to tell the future then I would have only been excited, if I had really understood that I was stressed about my soulmate entering my life again I would have laughed at myself.
        The moment that I realized that I had a crush on you was strange, I was scrolling though face book when you picture caught my eye, you know the one your making a face with at least half your hair in one hand that you had just cut off yourself. That picture stopped me, it wasn't just your beautiful, face but the dorkiness of the picture this was someone who I could have fun with and was just amazingly beautiful I thought to myself, I bombed that photo with comments, but never did work up the courage to ask you out. A few more times I almost mustered up the courage and I just couldn't do it, you once asked me to lady and the tramp some breadsticks with you during this, and I was sooo down I said yes almost to quickly and you laughed at the "joke"
         You called me up randomly one night, raytina had kicked you out of her house and you wanted to continue drinking a bit so you called and asked if you could come over, my heart skipped a beat then, I said "of course, man no problem" I thought I should play it cool obviously because you are such a badass. You came over but we couldn't find any similar games so we shuffled cards, all night then you went back into my room and plopped down on my bed, we bsed a little then you went to sleep, that morning you could've cut that tension with a knife, we eye balled each other and it only didn't happen because neither were sure of the other. You went home I kicked myself in the ass, I had just let this sexy woman leave without even trying anything!
          You messaged me a day after, something to the affect of, "hey so did you feel that tension between us or was that just me" I actually broke out into the dumbest smile, " it wasn't just you" I repiled. That first night was amazing we definitely clicked in that department, we were like two animals in heat and we have not slowed down yet babyluv! The second time is when one realized I wanted something more with you, every time you came over we hung out for awhile before and I was enjoying that as much as everything else, I was very nervous about this because I had thought that what we were doing was all that you wanted, and at the time it was.
            We went out one night, you told me that we were each other's beards that we would help each other get into the dating world again, and that you would wing man for me, you didn't notice how quiet I got each time you said that, how I kept stating "I don't know man, all I know is that I like you a lot" we went out that night, you took me to a club in which you were gonna wing man for me, we watched a fight happen, gambled a little bit, then closing time happened and we were not done yet, we swung by my place I grabbed more liqueur and we went up to la center to go to a Casino, but we never made it in, instead we drunkenly made out for 2hrs and bullshitted all night. We went to that hellhole of a motel and that's were the night went a bit sour that motel was fucking horrible and we both have agreed to burn it down one day, we had a bit of an argument, then screamed our heads off in metal voices that the motel could go Fuck itself, it's then I realized that I was in love with you, that whole car ride home I was nervous and scared you wouldn't want anything to do with me , I was wrong to be.
            You see we click me and you we just do we are the same, our sense of humor, the way we Fuck, our personalities, everything just clicks and it scared the shit out of both of us I think, just how well we go together. Since then I've just fallen more in love with you as we go on, you've shown me that you have my back even when I'm drunk, and crying you backed me and I hope that you know that I've always got your back to babyluv. We have our funerals planned, and you've promised to dance in my hot snakes, we've lady and the tramped a candy came, and a chocolate doughnut right in the parking lot of winco, you've serenaded me with slow jams, and Mario even had his way with me.
              I wrote this because my heart burns for you and I can't really put into words well enough the love, and passion I have for you, you came out of seemingly nowhere and for the life of me I can't belive I didn't see you before and I really wish that I had, because you Maria are my soulmate, because we are truly one, we are Matttmar two souls that were one but it was just too much of a Badass so Zeus himself had to split us, but we found each other anyway and I have no plans of letting anything split us again.