Game: Not A Hero
Developer: Roll7
Publisher:Devolver Digital
(Bunny Lord is a unfunny Jackass) |
I Got Not A Hero, Via PS Plus a few months back and when it first came out I could not put it down untill I had beaten it. 3 months later and I'm still on and off playing in bursts, to get The Glorious Bunny lord to his rightful place as All Powerful Global Leader. This game is about quick actions and thinking, You shoot guys, or execute them with the push of a button and you can die just as fast. The game is a 2D cover shooter which sounded horrible to me until I played it, you see I'm NOT a fan of cover shooters they bore me this is that in 2d on crack, and its fucking awesome. | | | | | | |
(Image from the Yakuza Missions, this one has you killing Fish) |
It starts off with you being approached by this guy in a bunny mask who calls himself Bunny lord, he wants you to kill the Russian mob leader so he can look better in the polls, you see hes running for mayor. The game presents itself in such a way that it never once takes itself seriously, you go from trying to kill certain targets to, stealing ferns for the fern museum, whatever it takes to get your man bunny lord ahead in the polls your there to do it no questions asked. Before and after the missions bunny lord goes on triads about Random BS, and I do mean random the game scripts itself so even if your doing the same mission for the millionth time he speaks some new random gibberish which was amusing about one time. Most the time you'll wanna skip through what this game considers humor, as it gets old super quickly.
(Final Boss Battle, your job? Shoot her in the back.) |
The game play itself is where this game shines, as its a blast to play and the feeling of playing the same mission a bunch of times then playing it perfectly is amazing as things can feel super smooth,almost surgical at times. The reload on missions is not long at all so you never feel as if dieing is super frustrating.(unless You die a lot obviously) The game starts off really simple but once you add in the samurai, ninjas and helicopters it rams up a lot. The boss fights of which there are three, are not super amazing but do the job and all of them are about you doing most the work just so Bunny lord can swoop in and kill them himself, taking credit and getting higher in the polls. It, annoyed me at first but it makes sense when you look at the game, because your one of a handful of hit men (With Jesus The Cuban love machine Being the only one that matters) and YOU DON"T MATTER, because this is all about Bunny lord's rise to power, you are literally not even the hero of your own book in this game.
(Spanish Jesus, Only Character you need) |
The game is really short with my original run taking about 4 Hrs., a lot of that being from me trying to finish all the objectives in a single go, however this is actually a good thing the game doesn't get the chance to out stay its welcome and it is one of those games that benefits greatly from being short. All the levels take around 5 minutes to beat with the boss battles taking maybe 10, but it adds to the game instead of taking away from, again I beat this months ago but I can turn it on and play a couple quick missions to try and go for side objectives which unlocks more hit men to play as, and gives you a false sense of accomplishment. Overall, I would say this game is defiantly worth checking out, it is short but in being such its not a serious commitment for a game that is a lot of fun.